TEACHERS, School, University, you want to join us ?

Teachers, you want to come in Vannes IFPS !

You are a health and sciences institute, University or Institute ?
per month
  • You want to share our ambitions, values and aspiration: become our partner to share our experience in :
  • ✔ Nurse Student education
  • ✔ Health care Simulation training (damage control, pediatric emergency care...)
  • ✔ Emergency training
  • ✔ Paramedic's research
  • And more ...
You are a health professional trainer or researcher...
per month
  • ✔ To develop your educationnal skill set
  • ✔ To perfect your french
  • ✔ To develop your professionnel network
  • But also to but also to give us the benefit of your knowledgenand skills

Eras WE

Plus d'infos ! Contactez kristell JANVIER

Coordinatrice Relations Internationales
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Contactez nous

  • Campus Tohannic - 11 rue André Lwoff - 56000 Vannes
  • +33 2 97 46 84 00
  • secretariat@ifps-vannes.fr
  • Contacter les formateurs
  • Contact
  • Ouverture du secrétariat - Accueil du public Lundi - Vendredi 9h - 17h

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